Scientists have found that milk could help repair
muscles after exercise.
Food and Drink Towers reports that a new study has been
conducted into the effects of the drink, finding that it
actually does more good than water or sports drinks.
Volunteers engaged in exercise designed to induce muscle
damage before consuming the different drinks and results
demonstrated that milk and milk-based
carbohydrate-protein supplements were more effective in
preserving muscles.
Nutritionist and director of The Dairy Council Judith
Bryans explained the findings, which will be published
in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism.
"Previous research has shown milk to be an effective
rehydration solution, while this is the first study to
suggest that drinking milk following muscle-damaging
exercise may decrease muscle damage," she was quoted as
The Irish government recently announced an investment of
?20 million (?15.8 million) in research into the
properties of milk, the Irish Times reported.