Health-conscious consumers are increasingly attempting
to meet the recommended five daily portions of fruit and
vegetables, according to research.
A study by market analyst Datamonitor found that annual
consumption had risen to 113kg per person in 2007, an
increase of 20kg compared to five years earlier, reports.
That figure is expected to grow by another 10kg by 2012
but Datamonitor has warned that eating superfruits,
which are high in antioxidants and nutrients, could mean
that healthy, nutritious meals are ignored.
"Consumers have responded enthusiastically to the idea
that these fruits provide them with an enormous health
boost, to the extent that the consumption of other
fruits and vegetables is suffering," said the report's
author, Mark Whalley.
The report added that although innovative products
containing these ingredients are beneficial, traditional
options should not be overlooked.
Mile High, an antioxidant drink originally designed to
combat the negative effects of air travel, is to arrive
on shelves this month.