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Local beers are experiencing a renaissance, one supermarket has found.

According to Scotland Food and Drink, Waitrose has noticed a dramatic rise in real ale sales as consumers increasingly seek locally-sourced products.

The total beer market was found to have grown by 8.2 per cent compared to last year, but local and artisan beers and ales were up 46 per cent.

Neil Whelpton, beer buyer at Waitrose, was quoted as saying: "Our local brewers are shedding the 'flat and warm' image of British beer and producing distinct and diverse flavours and aromas. A well-crafted pint is therefore as interesting - and individual - as a glass of fine wine."

He added that the company's stores now stock over 300 beers, ciders and liqueurs from local and regional sources.

In June the Telegraph reported that market research company TNS had found British ale sales to be rising as more and more consumers chose it over lager.

This shift was attributed to a changing of image, with real ale being presented as a sophisticated alternative to wine.

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