Families are stocking up on cheap "credit crunch munch"
food as the economic downturn sends grocery bills ever
Market research company IRI says sales of baked beans
have increased by 12% over the past year, surpassing
annual sales of ?300 million for the first time.
Supermarkets' figures show that shoppers are also buying
economy cuts of meat, such as chicken thighs instead of
breasts and braising steaks rather than sirloin or
Sheraz Dar, head of marketing for Branston Baked Beans,
said: "Baked beans provide a very cheap source of fibre
and protein, so it's not surprising people are turning
to them."
Asda says that sales of its budget range of Smart Price
beans, which retail for just 20p for a 420g tin, have
soared by more than 50% over the past year.
That ?300 million could buy each household in Britain
more than 22lbs (10 kilos) - or 23 large cans - of
high-quality baked beans. Not quite enough to stock an
underground bunker, but plenty to fuel a family if the
economy takes on an even greater feeling of wartime